CodeIgniter Ajax Call Request Controller Function is very simple tutorial, I am assuming that you already know how to use Ajax and call functions. In this article you'll learn how to use Ajax calls within your CodeIgniter controller functions. Here i have used jquery function to post and get the data response from the controller.
Showing posts with label json. Show all posts
Showing posts with label json. Show all posts
20 June, 2016
08 June, 2016
Allowing File to Download Only for Subscribed Members Using PHP
Recently i have implemented subscribe to download for facebook login download file. After that I got many request tutorials related with topic script. In this article i have explain about how to allowing file to download only for subscribed members using php and ajax. Follow and implement this logic to your website you will get more subscribe users. If your using google feed burner subscription you have to upload manually website subscriber email list to the database.
19 August, 2015
Simple search filter with angularjs and php
Everyone must know about AngularJS. it fits the definition of a framework the best. AngularJS will get quick server response in client side. based on server response I have created search filer code. Here I have explained about how to create simple search filter using with AngularJS and PHP.

18 August, 2015
Convert PHP data to JSON API url
Today I have discussed Convert PHP result array to JSON API URL. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. The current trend to develop the app and web app server side exchanging data between their servers XML or JSON format. JSON is the easiest way to translate a JavaScript object into a PHP associative array.
10 June, 2015
Generate RSS Feed for website using php and json script
In this post i have explain about how Generate RSS Feed with PHP. Here i am using feed burner rss xml file to get the content because most of the users, blogger they are updating blog information in feed burner. Use below code add your website feeds information.