Today we are going to see How to secure the Codeigniter XSS Cross Site Scripting Hacking Attack. CodeIgniter comes with a Cross Site Scripting Hack prevention filter which can either run automatically to filter all POST and COOKIE data that is encountered. For preventing the form data GET and POST you need use security helper. While POST the form data in your controller, You just use xss_clean().
Showing posts with label validation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label validation. Show all posts
16 March, 2017
25 July, 2016
07 July, 2016
Codeigniter ajax check email availability using jquery
Codeigniter ajax check unique email availability using jquery it's very simple script. For checking the unique email id or username CodeIgniter have default validation function. it will check ajax controller response whether that email id exists or not to the particular table column. let see the code for that.
28 June, 2016
23 March, 2016
22 September, 2015
Google reCAPTCHA code with jquery validation
Today we are going learn about how to implement google Captcha to your html form. Before going this tutorial you should know about Why we need use ? google reCAPTCHA. Here i have used Jquery validation library to checking the Html form elements.

07 February, 2014
change the html 5 form validation defult error message
Hi Guys, this is a post on the validation where in you will be learning how to change the default message of the form validation. The code is simple and basic, it uses the JavaScript events line 'onchange ' and 'oninvalid '.
For more validation code, click here
For more validation code, click here
14 June, 2013
28 May, 2013
Html 5 Mobile Number Validation
Hi, Guys, this a new post on Html 5 Mobile number validation. Validations play a major role in getting a genuine information or securing the website. We find many plugins on the internet for validating data from the visitors. Validations can be done by various languages like jQuery, PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5.